Arabsat 5C (20°E), 2023-10-03
Nile News has left 3964.00MHz, pol.R (DVB-S SID:1006 PID:515/653 ,673 Arapca)
Eutelsat 7 West A (7°W), 2022-12-23
Nile News has left 10757.54MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:3403 PID:3410/3411 Arapca)
Eutelsat 7 West A (7°W), 2022-11-05
New frequency for Nile News: 10757.54MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:5/6 SID:3403 PID:3410/3411 Arapca- sifresiz).
Arabsat 5C (20°E), 2020-02-19
New SID for Nile News on 3964.00MHz, pol.R FEC:3/4 SR:27500: SID:1006 ( PID:515/653 ,673 Arapca - sifresiz).
Arabsat 5C (20°E), 2019-06-13
A new channel has started in DVB-S : Nile News (Mısır) on 3964.00MHz, pol.R SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:4 PID:515/653 Arapca,673 Arapca - sifresiz.
Eutelsat 7 West A (7°W), 2018-08-02
Nile News has left 11219.25MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:4301 PID:4301/4302 Arapca)
Eutelsat 7 West A (7°W), 2018-07-28
New frequency for Nile News: 11219.25MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:5/6 SID:4301 PID:4301/4302 Arapca- sifresiz).
Arabsat 5C (20°E), 2016-08-23
A new channel has started in DVB-S : Nile News (Mısır) on 3973.00MHz, pol.L SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:4 PID:515/653 Arapca,673 Arapca - sifresiz.
A new channel has started in DVB-S : Nile News (Mısır) on 3973.00MHz, pol.L SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:4 PID:515/653 Arapca,673 Arapca - sifresiz.
Eutelsat 7 West A (7°W), 2013-01-03
Nile News has left 11219.25MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:4313 PID:4326/4327 Ingılızce)
Eutelsat 7 West A (7°W), 2012-12-07
Nile News has left 11449.41MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:6204 PID:1002/1202 Ingılızce)
Eutelsat 7 West A (7°W), 2012-11-27
New frequency for Nile News: 11449.41MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:5/6 SID:6204 PID:1002/1202 Ingılızce- sifresiz).
New frequency for Nile News: 11219.25MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:4313 PID:4326/4327 Ingılızce- sifresiz).
Nilesat 201 (7°W), 2012-06-15
Nile News switched to Nilesat 201 satellite at 11843.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S , 11843.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:5/6 PID:1002/1202 Arapca).
Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W), 2012-05-06
Nile News has left 4180.00MHz, pol.L (DVB-S SID:4 PID:515/653 Ingılızce,673 Arapca)
Eutelsat 33D, 2011-09-20
Nile News has left 12539.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:8983 PID:1185/1186 Arapca)
Nilesat 101 (33.1°E), 2009-06-06
ERTU: New FEC for Nile News on 11843.00MHz, pol.H: FEC:5/6 ( SR:27500 SID:603 PID:1002/1202 Arapca - sifresiz).
Eutelsat 33D, 2009-06-05
PID have changed for Nile News: PID:1185/1186 Arapca SID:8983 (12539.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:3/4 - sifresiz).
Eutelsat 33D, 2008-06-04
PID have changed for Nile News: PID:1185/1187 Arapca SID:8983 (12539.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:3/4 - sifresiz).
Eutelsat 33D, 2008-05-30
PID have changed for Nile News: PID:1185/1186 Arapca SID:8983 (12539.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:3/4 - sifresiz).
Eutelsat 33D, 2008-05-13
PID have changed for Nile News: PID:1185/1187 Arapca SID:8983 (12539.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:3/4 - sifresiz).
Eutelsat 33D, 2007-02-25
Nile News has left 12539.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:8983 PID:1185/1186 Arapca)
Eutelsat 33D, 2007-02-24
Nile News on DVB-S 12539.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:8983 PID:1185/1186 Arapca (sifresiz).
Eutelsat 33D, 2007-01-16
Nile News has left 12539.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:8983 PID:1185/1186 Arapca Fransızca)
Eutelsat 36 West A (50.6°E), 2007-01-15
Nile News has left 11387.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:8983 PID:1185/1186 Arapca)
Eutelsat 36 West A (50.6°E), 2007-01-13
A new channel has started in DVB-S : Nile News (Mısır) on 11387.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:8983 PID:1185/1186 Arapca - sifresiz.
Eutelsat 33D, 2004-12-30
Nile News has left 12539.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:8991 PID:1192/1194 Arapca Fransızca)
Eutelsat 33D, 2004-10-11
Nile News is testing on 12539.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:8991 PID:1192/1194 Arapca Fransızca (sifresiz).
Eutelsat 33D, 2004-06-30
Nile News is back on 12539.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:8983 after a break ( PID:1185/1186 Arapca Fransızca - sifresiz).
Eutelsat 33D, 2004-06-29
Nile News has left 12539.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:8983 PID:1185/1186 Arapca)
Nilesat 101 (33.1°E), 2004-04-30
ERTU: Nile News has left 11766.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:510 PID:1018/1019 Arapca)
Eutelsat 33D, 2004-03-03
New SID for Nile News on 12539.00MHz, pol.H FEC:3/4 SR:27500: SID:8983 ( PID:1185/1186 Arapca - sifresiz).
Nilesat 102 (7°W), 2004-01-19
Nile News has left 12015.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:1311 PID:2270/2271 Arapca)
Nilesat 101 (33.1°E), 2003-09-02
ERTU: New frequency for Nile News: 11766.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:510 PID:1018/1019 Arapca- sifresiz). 23h-10h CET
Nilesat 101 (33.1°E), 2003-06-14
Nile News has left 11785.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SID:1311 PID:2270/2271 Arapca)
Nilesat 102 (7°W), 2003-06-14
New frequency for Nile News: 12015.00MHz, pol.V (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:1311 PID:2270/2271 Arapca- sifresiz).
Eutelsat 33D, 2003-04-28
Nile News has left 11137.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SID:7325 PID:3525/3645 Arapca Fransızca)
Eutelsat 33D, 2002-12-04
New frequency for Nile News: 12539.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:8993 PID:1185/1186 Arapca- sifresiz).
Eutelsat 33D, 2002-10-05
A new channel has started in DVB-S : Nile News (Mısır) on 11137.00MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:7325 PID:3525/3645 - sifresiz.
Nilesat 101 (33.1°E), 2002-09-03
A new channel has started in DVB-S : Nile News (Mısır) on 11785.00MHz, pol.V SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:1311 PID:2270/2271 - sifresiz.
Nilesat 101 (33.1°E), 2002-08-30
ERTU: New frequency for Nile News: 11843.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:603 PID:1002/1202- sifresiz).
Nilesat 101 (33.1°E), 2002-08-28
ERTU: New frequency for Nile News: 11766.00MHz, pol.H (DVB-S SR:27500 FEC:3/4 SID:507 PID:1007/1207- sifresiz).
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